mercredi 16 mai 2012


On Friday, May 18th ,Weiler will experience a very special day which will be the day for the 'stars'. It is the first time in the history of Weiler.

About forty pupils are going to present their talents and skills. The rest of the pupils are going to watch the candidates. As we are all going to be spectators, everybody will finish at 11:30 a.m. to be able to have lunch and then go to the show.

There will be some songs, some dance, some music and many other things...I let you discover the rest on Friday afternoon! Surpriiiiiiise!!!!!

The show is going to last around three hours depending on how long the candidates will stay on stage. Some pupils and teachers are going to keep an eye on the spectators and others are going to supervise entries and exits of the school.

Good luck to all the candidates!!!

Cheer up!!!!!          

skill = adresse, habilité
to be able to = pouvoir
to last = durer
stage = scène
to keep an eye on / to supervise= surveiller
entry / exit = entrée / sortie
good luck = bonne chance
cheer up! = courage!
